Student organizations and activities are skyrocketing on the Texas Woman’s University Dallas Campus.
The campus has seen a 50 percent growth in the number of student organizations in the past two years, according to Taylor Dukes, Dallas Center student life program coordinator. “With a more non-traditional student population, we strive to make our programming and available activities fit the needs of our students and their extremely busy schedules,” Dukes said.
The campus holds a variety of family-centered events that cater to non-traditional students. “Our Family Weekend, held in October, focuses on welcoming both parents and children of our students,” Dukes said. The weekend has everything from Halloween food trucks and photo booths to campus tours and a movie night.
Dukes said she encourages Dallas students to fill out the interest form on the TWU Dallas campus website. “This interest form is especially designed to benefit our weekend and evening students who may otherwise not see our student organizations on a regular basis,” Dukes said.
The majority of student organizations on the Dallas campus are “directly related back to health care and students’ fields of interest,” according to Dukes. Student Life also provides a vast array of opportunities for students to get involved, whether they are joining an organization or attending events hosted by the Career Connections Consultant, such as resume and career development workshops. Counseling and Psychological Services also provides a variety of workshops and “leads a lot of stress-reduction programming in conjunction with Student Health promotion,” Dukes said.
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