Dallas Occupational Therapy student wins National award
Studying Doctoral coursework in Occupational Therapy and working as a Dementia Care specialist in North Carolina, Heather McKay strives to find answers for the challenges of progressive dementia diseases. Her determination and successes in patient care led to the Alzheimer’s Foundation of America and Dementia Care Professionals of America giving her the Dementia Care Professional of the Year Award.
According to a press release, McKay’s nomination for the award was rooted in her “presentation style, practical techniques, and a positive approach to working with people who have dementia.”
Success through TWU
McKay attributed a factor of her success to her continued education at TWU: “This year, my work with people living with dementia, their caregivers, and organizations serving them was certainly strengthened by my partnerships with classmates and faculty at TWU. In classroom and online discussions, research symposiums, and exceptional mentorship in the School of Occupational Therapy, I’ve found the support to infuse occupation-based theory in practice and design evidence-based educational programs to meet a wide variety of clients’ needs.”
Although she is a distance learner, McKay shared how she could see the education provided to her through TWU impacting lives 1,100 miles away in North Carolina: “It’s been rewarding for me to see communities in NC and nationwide benefit from TWU’s commitment to the highest quality research and student services that are currently guiding my work in Occupational Therapy.”
The Dementia Care Professional of the Year Award
The AFA describes the Dementia Care Professional of the Year award to recognize professionals for “making a difference in their community, the individuals who are changing in the field of practice for the better, and the ones who are willing to go above and beyond for clients in need.”
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