Visual Arts Major – Concentration Graphic Design
Nadiyah Suleiman, Page Editor
Graduating Senior Charles “Chuck” Greenslade will be walking across the stage this December to receive a Bachelor’s of Fine Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design. Greenslade also serves as the President of American Institute of Graphic Arts TWU’s student graphic design organization. After graduation, Greenslade hopes to acquire a job in graphic design or illustration primarily in apparel design, such as t-shirts, stickers and hats, or web design.
Reflecting on his time at TWU Greenslade said: “One of my favorite memories is my first design class, Design 1, just getting to know the process for graphic design and getting to know the people that I was going to be spending the next three years with.”
As a first generation bachelor’s student, Greenslade found his passion for Graphic Design and says he even enjoys homework: “Everybody dreads it, but I love my homework. I get to go home and just make art.”
With his time at TWU coming to an end, Greenslade credits his dad for being his source of inspiration:, “Teaching my dad what graphic design is and then seeing him light up when I explain stuff to him and realizing that it’s something I really care about is really inspirational to me and kept me going.”
His father may have inspired him, but he recognizes Associate Professor of the Visual Arts Department Jana Perez for pushing him to be his best: “Jana kicked my butt my first year here. She got me into shape and then taking her classes and everything, she pushed me to do stuff I wasn’t comfortable with and made me who I am today as a designer and as a leader.”
Greenslade attributes part of his success to the university, saying: “[TWU] prepared me for the deep, dark abyss of the real world.”
Greenslade remains optimistic, however, and leaves uplifting advice for first-years: “Follow your dreams, as corny as that is. That’s what’s got me where I am today, following a dream. I was in school for [Information Technology]. I was enjoying it but realized pretty quickly how monotonous it was and then looked back at my life, and something that was always part of my life was making art, so I decided to just go for it and make art. Don’t let anybody stop you, and be the best at whatever you’re going to be. Also, support the Wu-Tang Clan.”
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