Mary Hufford Hall
Assault Causing Bodily Injury Family Member was reported on Dec. 11 after an argument between a boyfriend and girlfriend turned physical and police were called. The male was not affiliated with TWU and was trespassing on campus. The female stated that she did not want to press charges. The case is closed.
Oakland Complex Parking Garage
Graffiti Pecuniary Loss was reported on Dec. 17 after an officer patrolling the parking garage noticed two spray-painted smiley faces on the ramp and support beams. A work order was put in to remove the marks. The case is inactive.
Guinn Hall Parking Lot
Duty on Striking Unattended Vehicle was reported on Dec. 18 after an individual reported she parked her vehicle in the Guinn Hall parking lot and later noticed damage to her vehicle. The case is inactive unless someone comes forward with more information about this hit-and-run.
Mary’s Hall
A Class C Assault was reported on Dec. 19 after a boyfriend and girlfriend had an argument that turned physical, but there were no injuries. Neither individual wanted to press charges. One person was trespassing on campus. The case is closed.
Sayer’s Hall
Theft of Property was reported on Dec. 29 after an officer on patrol was stopped by a TWU resident who stated his bicycle was stolen from the bike rack outside of Sayer’s Hall. The cable lock he used to secure the bike was cut.
The bicycle is an emerald green Firestorm Urban Cruiser reportedly worth $329. He does not want to press charges; he just wants his bicycle back. There is no evidence or witnesses at this point, so the case is inactive unless more information is received.
Guinn Hall – The Commons
Operate Unauthorized Vehicle and Theft of Property was reported on Dec. 31 after a student reported that her boyfriend took her vehicle without her permission. Her phone, cards, and ID were also gone. He has had permission to use the vehicle in the past, but not on this day. She later reported that he had taken her vehicle to her mother’s house, and the vehicle was no longer missing.
Classroom and Faculty Offices (CFO) Building
Theft of Property was reported on Jan. 6 after four books were stolen from a locked cabinet in the CFO building. The officer did not see any damage to the cabinet. The case is still active.
Response Activity: TWU’s Department of Public Safety responded to 419 calls for service between Dec. 1 and Jan.10.
Brielle Gines can be reached via email at
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