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Return of Kings’ antiwoman meet-up threatens international safety of women

So called “tribal meetings” of male comradarie support misogynist ideals and criticize female rights.

UPDATE: As of this evening, Roosh Validazeh has cancelled the Return of Kings international meet-ups scheduled for Feb. 6. Individual groups may still meet-up without affiliation.

Student Life just sent out an Official Announcement at 4:31 p.m. warning students about the international meet-ups of “Return of Kings” group of men or followers. According to Vice President of Student Life Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, they are planning on meeting somewhere in major cities throughout Texas on Saturday, Feb. 6, 2016.

Dr. Mendez-Grant recommends that students be wary of their environments and take extra precautions when going out this weekend.  The governor made a statement earlier today stating: “This pathetic group and their disgusting viewpoints are not welcome in Texas.”

According to the Return of Kings website, they adhere to the belief system of neomasculinity. Roosh Validazeh, creator and author of the ROK blog and forum says that neomasculinity “aims to aid men living in Westernized nations that lack qualities such as classical virtue, masculinity in males, femininity in females, and objectivity… It also serves as an antidote for males who are being programmed to accept Western degeneracy, mindless consumerism, and immoral state authority. “

The group is currently trying to create local “tribes” for frequent, or routine gatherings to support one another. Roosh writes: “I aim to help men create tribes in cities throughout the world that operate independently of each other. Each tribe will be maintained by a chief that runs it in a way he sees fit.”

The list of ROK Community Beliefs gives an insight into what values or worldview the men who will be meeting share.

Despite the wave of panic and anger that is sweeping through online communities and news, Roosh strictly says: “Tribal meetings will not tolerate the promotion of illegal actions and will not engage in violence. Any man that suggests violent activity will be seen as a provocateur or government agent.”

In the comments, Roosh reveals that he was in Washington D.C. at least one month ago, and 25 days ago stated: “I won’t stay in America, but I’m not sure where I’ll go next.”

Dr. Mendez Grant promises: “As more information becomes available, further updates will be provided.   If you are on campus and feel unsafe, you can ask for a campus escort by calling 940-898-2911 (Denton), 214-689-6666 (Dallas), and 713-794-2222 (Houston).”


The Lasso will keep its audience updated as information comes in.

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