Board of Regents’ Conference Room
6700 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030
Thursday, November 8, 2018, at 1:00 PM
The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Committee and Academic Affairs Committee will meet on Thursday, November 8, 2018, starting at 1:00 PM. Meetings and Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecutively.
*Committee Meetings are scheduled to follow each other consecutively and may start earlier or later than the posted time depending on the length of the discussions and the reports of previous meetings. Action items are scheduled to follow each other consecutively but may be taken out of order. The order of meetings are as follows: Finance and Audit Committee Meeting followed by Academic Affairs Committee.
During the Finance and Audit Committee Meeting a majority of the Board of Regents may be present. The Finance and Audit Committee reserves the right to go into executive closed session for matters allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any time for any item listed on the respective Agenda.
The link for the meeting broadcast, agenda and related supplemental written materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeting.
Finance and Audit Committee:
Regents Wilson (Chair), Jester, Schrader, Wu & Perez (Ex-Officio)
- Call Meeting to Order
- Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Committee Meeting of August 9, 2018
- Consideration of Public Testimony on Agenda Items, If Any
- Agenda
- Report on Capital Construction Projects
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Mr. Rob Ramirez, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction
- Recommend approval to change vendor for the retail dining space located within the Texas Woman’s University (TWU) West Campus Parking Garage building
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life
- Recommend approval to delegate contract authority to the Chancellor for the new Science Technology Learning Center on the Texas Woman’s University (TWU) Denton campus and all necessary project items
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Mr. Rob Ramirez, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction
- Recommend Approval of Revisions to Texas Woman’s University (TWU) Regent Policy – A.05.05 – Gun Free Zones (Campus Carry)
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Consider Recommending Acceptance of Grants
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Texas Woman’s University Fall 2018 Enrollment and Scholarship Report
Presenter: Dr. Randall Langston, Vice President for Enrollment Management
- Report on Philanthropic Support
Presenter: Ms. Robin J. Head, Interim Vice President for Development
- TWU Ethics and Compliance Program 2018 Annual Report
Presenter: Ms. Deena King, Director of Compliance
- Report on Texas Woman’s University (TWU) Staff Council
Presenter: Ms. Carolyn Becker, Staff Council President
- Quarterly Status Report of the Office of Audit Services
Presenter: Mr. Ali Subhani, Director of Audit Services
- Request approval to negotiate and enter into a contract for the purchase of real property in Denton, Texas 76209
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Mr. Rob Ramirez, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction
- Regents’ Remarks
Board of Regents’ Conference Room
6700 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030
Thursday, November 8, 2018, at 1:00 PM
The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents’ Finance and Audit Committee and Academic Affairs Committee will meet on Thursday, November 8, 2018, starting at 1:00 PM. Meetings and Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecutively.
*Committee Meetings are scheduled to follow each other consecutively and may start earlier or later than the posted time depending on the length of the discussions and the reports of previous meetings. Action items are scheduled to follow each other consecutively but may be taken out of order. The order of meetings are as follows: Finance and Audit Committee Meeting followed by Academic Affairs Committee.
During the Academic Affairs Committee Meeting a majority of the Board of Regents may be present. The Academic Affairs Committee reserves the right to go into executive closed session for matters allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any time for any item listed on the respective Agenda.
The link for the meeting broadcast, agenda and related supplemental written materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeting.
After adjournment of the Academic Affairs Committee Meeting, TWU Board of Regents are invited to participate in a guided tour of the Institute of Forensic Medicine.
Academic Affairs Committee:
Regents Paup (Chair), Coleman, Doggett, Shepard, Galbraith (Non-Voting) & Perez (Ex-Officio)
- Call Meeting to Order
- Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Committee Meeting of August 9, 2018
- Consideration of Public Testimony on Agenda Items, If Any
- Agenda
- University Research Update
Presenter: Dr. Donna Scott-Tilley, Vice Provost of Research
- Faculty Research Report
Presenter: Dr. Mindy Patterson, Assistant Professor, Nutrition and Food Sciences
- Nursing Partnership Report
Presenter: Dr. Michael Mistric, Associate Clinical Professor, Nursing-Houston
- Regents’ Remarks
- Adjourn
Board of Regents’ Conference Room
6700 Fannin St, Houston, TX 77030
Friday, November 9, 2018, at 9:00 AM
The Texas Woman’s University Board of Regents will meet on Friday, November 9, 2018, starting at 9:00 AM. Agenda items are scheduled to follow each other consecutively.
The Board reserves the right to go into executive closed session for matters allowed under V.T.C.A., Government Code Chapter 551 at any time for any item listed on the respective Agenda.
The link for the meeting broadcast, agenda and related supplemental written materials will be posted on the TWU Board of Regents website at prior to the meeting.
*After adjournment of the Full Board Meeting, TWU Board of Regents are invited to take pictures with Oakley, TWU’s new mascot.
Full Board Meeting:
Regents Perez (Chair), Coleman, Doggett, Galbraith (Non-Voting), Jester, Paup, Schrader, Shepard, Wilson & Wu.
- Call Meeting to Order
- Consider Approval of the Minutes of the Full Board Meeting of August 10, 2018
- Consideration of Public Testimony on Full Board Agenda Items, If Any
- Presentations and Awards
- Consent Agenda
- Approval to change vendor for the retail dining space located within the Texas Woman’s University (TWU) West Campus Parking Garage building
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life
- Approval to delegate contract authority to the Chancellor for the new Science Technology Learning Center on the Texas Woman’s University (TWU) Denton campus and all necessary project items
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Mr. Rob Ramirez, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction
- Approval of Revisions to Texas Woman’s University (TWU) Regent Policy – A.05.05 – Gun Free Zones (Campus Carry)
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Acceptance of Grants
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration
- Approval to negotiate and enter into a contract for the purchase of real property in Denton, Texas 76209
Presenter: Mr. Jason Tomlinson, Vice President for Finance and Administration and Mr. Rob Ramirez, Associate Vice President for Facilities Management and Construction
- Full Board Agenda
- Houston Alumni Chapter Report
Presenter: Ms. Robin J. Head, Interim Vice President for University Advancement
- Alumni Highlight Story
Presenter: Ms. Robin J. Head, Interim Vice President for University Advancement
- Student Veterans Programs Report
Presenter: Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life and Ms. Amy O’Keefe, Executive Director of Campus Alliance for Resource Education
- Competitive Sports Plan Report
Presenter: Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life and Ms. Carrie Rollman, Project Manager, and Mr. Andrew Lieber, Assistant Project Manager, Brailsford & Dunlavey, Inc.
- Legislative Update
Presenter: Mr. Kevin Cruser, Government Relations
- Student Life, Visibility Initiatives Update
Presenter: Dr. Monica Mendez-Grant, Vice President for Student Life and Ms. Amy Evans, Director Communications for Student Life
VII. Chancellor and President’s Report
VIII. Regents’ Remarks
- Future Business
- Adjourn
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