Last week, the Texas Woman’s University Center for Student Development held the Library Takeover at the Blagg-Huey Library, where students could come in their pajamas, dance, enjoy snacks, games and crafts and spend time with other students.
The slumber party lasted from seven to ten at night the Saturday before the start of school and took place at the Blagg-Huey Library on campus. All attendees were required to show their student ID before being allowed to enter and participate. Admission to the event was entirely free of charge, as were all activities inside. The library was closed to students beforehand as staff prepared for the event, but once students were allowed inside, events started right away.
“Especially if you just moved in, you’re meeting your neighbors that you’re going to have to live next to for the next nine months, this would be a good way to get out and get to know them more,” said Kirsten McGovern, political science senior and attendee.
The event was sponsored by the Student Union, TWU Library and the Center for Student Development. According to Suzanne Sears, Dean of Libraries at TWU, the main organizers of the Library Takeover were Anna Kassenich, the Associate Director of Student Union Programming and Jennifer Morton Riggs, Manager of Library Events & External Relations. The event was pitched to students as a way to get involved with the TWU community and have fun before the start of the semester.
“They came and presented this to us as a way to get involved,” McGovern said. “And I thought, ‘That sounds like a great way to relax before going back to school.’”
Pioneers had their choice between a number of activities at the event. On the first floor, they could take photos with their friends in front of a green screen, choose from a number of free puzzles, grab a cookie or blueberry lavender cheesecake shooter or dance in a cleared out area of the library. DJs supplied a selection of pop hits for people to dance along to with their friends.

On the second floor, the main event was an eye mask decorating station. Eye masks and decorating supplies were laid out for students to choose from and decorate at their discretion. The library provided snacks here, too, at a table set with bowls full of granola, raisins, M&Ms, and other such foods.
The third floor was mainly quiet in contrast- the only activity was a session of guided yoga in the Wellbeing Room, for students who wanted to attend. The session was ongoing throughout the event.
On the ground floor, students could grab a bag of popcorn for themselves and enjoy performances of open mic comedy from other students attending.
If students chose to participate in a library-wide scavenger hunt during the event, they were entered into a raffle in which they had a chance to win gift boxes, with prizes including boxes of candy, water bottles and slippers, among other things.
Students who attended also expressed an interest in the idea of the university holding similar events in the future.
“Anything for people to come and do crafts or eat food are amazing,” Mikaila Krehmeyer, junior biology major, said. “Like a stress relief type thing. Especially during midterms, that would be great.”
Information on upcoming events at the library and on campus can be found on Pioneer Engage.
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