To keep in touch with creativity during the first week of the fall semester, the Student Union Programming is hosting Painting at the Fountain on Saturday, Sep 1. Meet up with other TWU students at the Hubbard Lawn for two hours of friends, fun and fresh paint. Admission to the event is free to TWU students, faculty and staff.
Students will be guided through a painting of the new mascot, the owl. Painting supplies will be provided by TWU Housing, and the event will be led by local artist Eva Azul, who led the event at TWU last year.
The Student Union Programming Team Leader Monique Armenta said, “I found [Eva Azul] at the Texas State Fair, actually… We ended up really liking her and her style of teaching, and the last painting event she led got a really good response from the students, so why not do it again this year?”
Keep in mind that this event has two sessions with limited availability, so registration will be required. The first session will be from 4-6 p.m., and the second session will be from 6-8 p.m. Choose whichever session is a better fit because both sessions are the same. This is a great opportunity for students to become accustomed with the new mascot and TWU student life. The cap is about 50 people, so make sure to sign up ahead of time.
For more information, visit the TWU calendar or SUP social media.
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