Texas Woman’s University not only offers many resources for students, but also for the students’ children. The Clubhouse is an “educational enrichment program for children ages 5-12 that include reading projects, arts & crafts, cooking experiments, gardening, science, weekly field trips and community service,” according to The Clubhouse website.
The Clubhouse is a program aimed to help get young children involved with learning. TWU students who live on campus in the family housing are given priority enrollment. Those who are affiliated with TWU but are not a student will be “considered on a space available basis,” according to the website.
Hours of operation closely relate to TWU’s hours of operation. During the summer, when campus is closed, so is The Clubhouse. Monday through Friday, the program is open from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. During the fall and spring semesters, the hours are Monday through Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. The program also follows the Denton ISD school schedule when the TWU campus is closed. When Denton ISD has early release days, The Clubhouse will open at 1 p.m. and close at 6 p.m. During the fall and spring terms, there are some special days when The Clubhouse is open all day from 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. During these “special days,” the child must be pre-registered and pre-paid before attending on these days, and there is an additional fee for these days. There is a minimum of 4 pre-paid children is required for The Clubhouse to open on these days.
Transportation is also available for children to get from school to The Clubhouse. “The Clubhouse vans will make every effort to pick up at all Denton ISD elementary schools. Schools will be accommodated on a first come, first serve basis until our vans are full,” according to the website.
To enroll a child in the program, a non-refundable family enrollment fee and appropriate tuition fees must be paid to reserve space in the program. All fees are due in advance, and an enrollment packet must be filled out and returned to the University Housing office on the third floor of Jones Hall.
Students who are seeking a job in the educational field also have the opportunity to work as a classroom coordinator or classroom leader. To apply, go through The Clubhouse website.
The Clubhouse is located in the Lowry Woods Community Center, 1600 Oakland Street, while The Clubhouse business office is located on the third floor of Jones Hall, room 336. Contact the Family Services Coordinator Shaneka Guyton at (940) 898- 3653 or by email at SGuyton@twu.edu for more information of questions.
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