There are currently 12 students and faculty in isolation and 93 quarantined as of Wednesday after being exposed to COVID-19.
Student Health Services is working on administering the second dose of vaccines to those who received the first dose in early January. They have not been granted any more vaccines, but they have a list of people who identify as 1A and 1B who are next in line to receive the vaccine.
Risk Management is currently working on finding a company to provide on campus COVID-19 testing, Executive Director of Risk Management Matt Moustakas said. Texas Woman’s University has not signed a contract with a company yet, but there is a company who is interested in providing testing.
“They seem enthused, and we want to have them if they are willing, but we don’t have anything other than that,” Moustakas said.
Moustakas encourages those who have the opportunity to receive the vaccine at any point, to take the opportunity and get it.
“Don’t wait to get vaccinated,” Moustakas said. “If you are offered it, take it. I was surprised by the number of 1A’s and 1B’s that Student Health Services offered [the vaccine] to that were not ready to get it yet, and that was a mistake.”
If people have received the vaccine, it is still encouraged to follow the same protocols to reduce the risk of transmission, university spokesperson Matt Flores said.
“Some people might have the opinion that because you are vaccinated, you can go back to normal again, and while that may be rational thinking for some people, we just know that not to be the case,” Flores said. “Just because you have been vaccinated, there is not enough science out there right now that suggests that you cannot transmit to other people following an exposure.”
Risk management is looking for ways to continue to promote protocols and inform people to continue following rules, including “Spread Kindness, not COVID.”
“It is a catchy campaign slogan to get the word out,” Flores said. “Call it a variation on the theme of what we are trying to use in terms of making sure that people are taking the necessary precautions, you know—mask up, socially distance and if you say it the same way over and over and over, you run the risk of it becoming a stale motto or theme, so we are just trying to find new ways to say the same thing, but the message is the same thing.”
Laura Pearson can be reached via email at
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