With the fall semester reaching its’ midway point, students have tackled midterms and it is also time for registration as the spring semester gets closer and closer. With the early registration period opening yesterday for Graduate students and priority registration groups, everybody starts thinking about next semester’s classes.
Students who haven’t made an appointment to get advised should do so in the coming weeks; first-year students should remember that a registration hold is placed on their student account, and this means they cannot register for classes until they have been advised by their academic advisor, whom would then remove the hold.
Returning TWU students, although not required, should look into academic advising as well, as advising helps guide students through their higher education, it is strongly encouraged for all students to get advised prior to registering for the spring semester.
Lastly, any student with past-due fees or other holds on their account need to communicate with the appropriate TWU office to get any discrepancies cleared up.
Schedule fo registration:
Seniors and Post-Baccalaureates (90+ hours) Nov. 2nd
Juniors (60-89 hours) Nov. 7th
Sophomores (30-59 hours) Nov. 14th
First-years (0-29 hours) Nov. 21st
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