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Matters of Opinion – Enjoying Halloween

Toeing the line between fall and winter, plenty and paucity, life and death, Halloween is a holiday of superstition and celebration.

Originating with the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off ghosts. It has since transformed into a night full of horrors, laughs, costumes and sweet treats.

I will admit – horror is not my favorite genre when it comes to movies or books. I am that person who does not like going into haunted houses and if I do end up going into one, I will be paranoid the whole time. But Halloween is fun to me. Sometimes it is fun to get scared a little. Your heart starts pumping and you almost always get a good laugh out of it in the end. But Halloween isn’t just about fear. Halloween is also a night to celebrate imagination and creativity.

It’s so fun to see children and adults dressed up as what they want to be when they grow up, what they wish they could be, or what they secretly fear. All of us, our dreams, wishes and fears are brought together on equal footing. There are parties filled with doughnuts, apples, cider, pumpkin cakes, candy and treats. We get to hear spooky ghost stories and feel our hearts skip a beat when someone jumps up behind us and yells “Boo!”

If you used to be really into Halloween, but don’t find it enjoyable anymore, I encourage you to do something fun. If you like being scared out of your wits, go to a haunted house or see a scary movie. If you’re like me and that’s not your cup of tea, dress up in a costume just because you can, hang out with your friends, play games and eat delicious treats. Life has so many moments that are boring or horrible. So take advantage of a holiday where you can simply have fun. You can be whoever or whatever you want and there’s something beautiful about that. Plus, we should jump at any opportunity to get treats and candy.

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